What We Do
Lakelands FHT
Family Health Teams are health care organizations that include a team of family physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, social workers, dieticians, and other professionals who work together to provide health care for their community. Family Health Teams provide more service and a wide range of health options, especially for people who don’t have a doctor.
Family Health Teams ensure that people receive the care they need in their communities, as each team is set-up based on local health and community needs. They focus on chronic disease management, disease prevention and health promotion, and work with other health care organizations, such as public health units and Community Care Access Centres.
In 2008, a Community Health Committee was formed by the municipality to look at health care in the community and what could be done to ensure services for the future. The committee concluded that an application for a Family Health Team would be submitted when the Ministry of Health invited same. This was done in July of 2009 and approved in December the same year.
In Northbrook, the Family Health Team moved into the former quarters of the Northbrook Medical Centre, 12357 – Highway 41, on November 1, 2010.
Addington Highlands Township secured the abandoned public school in Denbigh for this project, and completed the renovations needed to house the Denbigh satellite of the Family Health Team which moved into the new quarters on October 17, 2011. Lakelands Family Health Team will be an invaluable service to Northbrook and Denbigh area, as it hosts a growing population of aging and retired residents.
About Us
We provide primary health care services including chronic disease management, disease prevention and health promotion at 2 fully accessible sites, Northbrook and Denbigh, to rostered patients. Lakelands Family Health Team’s catchment area encompasses Addington Highlands, North Frontenac as well as portions of Central Frontenac, Hastings and Renfrew counties.
The Team consists of:
- Physicians
- Nurse Practitioners
- Mental Health Counsellor
- RN Program Coordinator
- RN (Advanced Foot Care)
- RPNs
- Support Staff